Musical Adventure



Hello and welcome to this musical adventure. Please play the video and listen to the song as you read.

Here you will learn about the most representative people that helped to transform music throughout history. Let us start this adventure with some questions. Can you imagine yourself living in a world without music? Of course not! and this is because music is part of our everyday lives. Some people listen to different types of music depending on their mood or, in other cases, for some people music is an important element that defines what they are, in other words, it is part of their essence. Now that you have reflected on the influence music has in our everyday lives, there is anoother question for you; have you ever wondered who were the most important genious in the history of music, or maybe who was the Bruno Mars of  the year 1500? Well, this WebQuest is going to help you solve those questions and probably at the end of this task you can discover that you actually like some of the music from the old times and that maybe the singer that you like the most was somehow influenced by those iconic characters of the history of music. 


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