Since the beginning of time, the man has always wondered why those giant structures has been placed there. We mean, the biggest and the most beautiful ancient monument in the world: The Piramids. In this sense, all the human generations have asked to themselves how could the egiptians have a so advanced technological knowledge acording to their time. The had got a high levell of mathematics and going so far these piramids are lined excatly with the three stars that belong to Orion´s constellation. Obvioussly this in only one mysterious characteristic from this monument but there are more and even there are more monuments like this in the whole Egypt such as Saqqara´s bird or Tutakamon´s tomb and curse. So, let´s going to investigate the history in another sense. Let´s going so far from the imagination frontiers and discover a new world in which everything is possible. Indeed, let´s going to study the most misterious  culture in the world. Egyptian misteries!!!

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